A collection of international best-selling programs

eTACSEN is committed to providing effective talent development training and consulting services for enterprises in the Greater China region through the most effective and scientific products. We have been in close contact with many internationally renowned organizations to bring better programs to our clients. Below are the 3 major programs we cooperate with Wiley :

  • The Leadership Challenge®
  • The Five Behaviors®
  • Everything DiSC®

What is Wiley?

Wiley is one of the largest and long-standing academic publishers in the United States. Wiley publishes many of the textbooks and databases in Chinese universities. The global copyrights of The Leadership Challenge®, The Five Behaviors®, DiSC®, and Everything DiSC® are all owned by Wiley.

What is The Leadership Challenge®?

The Leadership Challenge® is an internationally renowned leadership program and the winner of the ATD “Highest Achievement” award of the World’s Largest Talent Development Association, James Kouzes, and Barry Posner’s 30 years of research and practice have been welcomed by leaders around the world.

What is The Five Behaviors®?

The Five Behaviors® is a course developed in collaboration between Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni. This course aims to improve team efficiency and productivity by understanding and applying the five elements: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Based on this model, individuals and teams can establish effective working mechanisms and team culture through communication and collaboration.

What is Everything DiSC®?

Everything DiSC® is the latest generation of DiSC that provides a comprehensive set of ways to measure and develop individual work and self-improvement, including workplace, sales, management, constructive conflict, leadership, and agile EQ. Through this tool, participants can obtain personalized analysis results to better understand themselves and others, make interactions at work more enjoyable and productive, and ultimately create a more dedicated and cooperative workforce that significantly improves the organizational culture.