In 2024, we ride on a new journey! Corporate Re-Branding
A new holistic offline and online training experience
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Official partner Guarantees effectiveness The Leadership Challenge®
Learning about what the world’s best leaders are doing


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The Leadership Challenge®

The world’s most popular masterpiece enhance leadership skills based on behavior

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Change Enablement™

Not only brings everyone to know and respond to changes but also to lead changes based on well-known theories

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The Five Behaviors®

99.9% of high-efficiency teams have these elements of success, derived from the best-selling book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, an internationally renowned model, and an effective team-building tool

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Scientific Employee Survey

Gather the wisdom of employees and provide enterprises with comprehensive suggestions for improvement through scientific, objective, efficient and flexible research

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Everything DiSC®

The latest generation of DiSC has scenarios that are more diverse, intuitive reports, and powerful intelligent support to solve issues in workplace communication, selling, leadership enhancement, and conflict management.

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Why Choose Us

More than 80% of our clients are repeat customers

Our high-quality service guarantees the effectiveness of our programs. Our foundation is formed by clients' years of trust.

Tremendous training experience in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas market

With experienced industry experts from Mainland China and Hong Kong and internationally renowned licensed programs, we develop the most suitable training program(s) for you.

Holistic online and offline training experience

Our training programs are not just conducted in offline classrooms but also in an online environment. With online assessments and multi-media resources, learners can fully mobilize their learning time and choose relevant topics to improve their skills and knowledge and, ultimately, performance.

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